I have known Pat for years. I am a person who struggles with weight, eating, diet, exercise, and consistency. So, I am basically like most people I know, an off and on train-wreck!
I can do pieces of a healthy lifestyle or even the entire thing well at times, and at times I can completely fall off the radar.
Pat has always been there for me, in whatever capacity I choose to participate in. He has the knowledge to design me workouts, help me get stronger, help me drop weight, or reduce fat. He has the tools to go way beyond that and help me with my diet, nutrients, food choices, portion sizes, habits, and attitude toward food.
He has always been encouraging, professional, and motivating. I would not seek advice, education, or motivation from anyone else.
I have worked with other coaches and trainers in my life. He is far and away better, having more knowledge, more tools, and has always been more caring and committed to my health than anyone else I have worked with. Sometimes he has been more committed to my health than me!
I recommend him without question or hesitation to anyone who is in need or even considering getting help with diet, exercise, or positive living. He is the best.
~ Jim F.