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Online Coaching by Patrick Ryan

My mission is to provide a positive and enlightened learning environment that motivates my clients and countless others to educate themselves in sustainable methods of exercising and eating.
“You don't want me to be merely helpful, you want me to be transformational.”
Peter Bregman
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    “Daily ripples of excellence -over time- become a tsunami of success”
       ~ Robin S. Sharma
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    “Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work.”
       ~ Michael Jordan
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    “Change takes time self-discipline, resilience and calmness of mind.”
       ~ Independent Zen
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    “It is not as much about who you used to be, as it is about who you choose to be.”
       ~ Sanhita Baruah
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    “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
       ~ Carl R. Rogers
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    “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
       ~ Jim Rohn
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    “The body is wise, the confusion is from the mind”
       ~ Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel
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    “Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you.”
       ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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    “We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.”
       ~ Richard G. Scott
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    “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right.”
       ~ Henry Ford
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    “Let us cultivate our garden.”
       ~ Voltaire, Candide
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    “Awareness is not the same as thought. It lies beyond thinking, although it makes use of thinking, honoring its value and its power. Awareness is more like a vessel which can hold and contain our thinking, helping us to see and know our thoughts as thoughts rather than getting caught up in them as reality.”
       ~ Jon Kabat-Zinn
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  •  I have worked with Patrick as my trainer for a long time. He is the epitome of professional, knowledgeable, and skilled as a personal trainer. He is always on time, prepared, and ready for the day. His commitment to his profession is very evident. He challenges me, but is always mindful of my limitations. I would highly recommend Patrick to anyone wanting a true professional in the field of personal training. 
    ~ Brian P.
  •  I am so thankful for having been under your tutelage for exercise and fitness. The two periods of time when you trained me increased my stamina and muscle density. I continue to maintain my diabetes and my A1C is stable at 5.6 and has been there for 4 years.

    When I first started training with you yes I was down to about 180 from 232 pounds in 2006. I finally reached 175 in the year during my first training year with you. Now this is two years later I fluctuate between 160 and 165.

    Currently I am 57 but I enjoy better health and flexibility as well as endurance than most my peers. Sustainability is the best attribute I've gained from your association as a trainer.

    I continue to use what I learned from you and glean good information from your emails.

    I am thankful for your professional training and because of that I enjoy better health.  
    ~ Therese M.
  •  About 3 years ago I noticed that I wasn't advancing my physical fitness and wasn't happy with my weight. I was thinking of trying personal training to hit a reset button with my body. I'm a 50 year old man and was concerned about my overall health and readiness for the later years in my life approaching retirement. I felt that Patrick sounded very professional so I approached him about being my personal trainer to give myself a booster shot for health and fitness. I found the sessions a lot of fun - yes hard work but I really enjoyed it. He would make it both fun and educational. Over time I started to see physical results in my upper body and waistline. We then started to discuss my diet and I liked his approach of tackling one thing at a time. He is a very smart young man and I really appreciate all he has done for my health and overall well being. If you are considering to train or consult with him, I’d give him high grades and would definitely recommend that you give him a try.  
    ~ Arnold H.
  •  When I first set out to get back in shape I did not know what to expect. I did not have the balance or flexibility like I did when I was young. I was impressed by how quickly that came back working with you just three days a week. After that I felt so good I decided to start doing Triathlons and the strength training you gave me was the foundation for my running, riding and swimming. I'll never forget how tight my shoulders were when I started and how flexible and strong they are now. All I can say is THANK YOU!!!  
    ~ Jim G.
  •  It is so impressive how much Pat does for his clients not only in the gym but also the wealth of great information he sends out. He's an exceptional teacher and a great example of how to live life well. Be assured - he is doing great things for many!  
    ~ Mike and Noella G.
  •  I recently started training with Pat over the past 6 months . I have been pleasantly surprised at the positive progress toward my fitness goals. My 0 to 60 mph lifestyle as a busy health professional and a mother, makes work/life balance very difficult for me to maintain. Pat has added consistency to my workout schedule and has been a great resource for nutritional aspects of health/fitness . His "predictably unpredictable” nature has challenged me with exercises that would ordinarily be out of my comfort zone. His positive attitude, common sense recommendations, and ability to integrate mind/body wellness are refreshing and greatly appreciated!
    There is evidence of true sincerity in his approach to coaching. This is seen in his professional demeanor and dedication to his clients. It is also most admirable, that he maintains his own high level of personal fitness.
    Pat makes exercise fun and most importantly has the gift of humor, which is awesome!! I am very grateful for his guidance and highly recommend him to anyone striving for a healthier lifestyle.  
    ~ Odell W.
  •  It is so impressive how much Pat does for his clients not only in the gym but also the wealth of great information he sends out. He's an exceptional teacher and a great example of how to live life well. Be assured - he is doing great things for many!  
    ~ Mike and Noella G.
  •  I've known Pat for eight years, and I've known him on a personal and professional level that entire time. From when we shared classes together in the University of New Mexico health physical education department, I could see just how passionate about personal training he was and how much he cared for his clients.

    While I've never utilized his services, he is on the cutting edge as a personal trainer. He uses the most current literature to give his clients results that are consistent and most of the time - beyond their expectations!

    He is also a valuable asset for me and my medical practice. I've gone to him several times for advice on patients of mine regarding exercise prescription and modification. Pat's professionalism and willingness to keep current with the best literature make him a great personal trainer for any fitness level.  
    ~ Shane F.
  •  First and most important is about Pat the person. Pat is smart, compassionate and his integrity is over the top. He is encouraging and also fun to be with. I consider Pat a friend as well as a coach and trainer.
    As a trainer Pat is perfect for me. He really has gotten to know my health concerns which is an integral part of our training. We have been training for almost 3 years and he remembers things from when we first started. I just think it shows a deeper level of commitment on his part. 
    ~ Sue D.
  •  Patrick Ryan was my one on one personal trainer for 2 years. For me, it was life changing. I was not in good shape, had poor posture, and really didn't know my way around the gym. He was very patient and kind, but pushed me to do things even when I didn't think I could. He showed me how to properly use lots of equipment and always answered my questions. He is incredibly knowledgeable about nutrition as well. I now work out regularly and feel both confident and comfortable at the gym. I feel much stronger and have the skills to safely and effectively work out. I have even been able to lose weight which was another goal of mine. I am incredibly grateful to Patrick and look forward to working with him again in the future.  
    ~ Robin H.
  •  Very eloquent and passionate. I'm honored to know you and even more so to learn from you. Every so often people have crossed my path that are genuinely good. I count those moments as special. I remember them vividly and revisit the memory to remind myself how blessed I am. They and you are rare, my young friend. Stay golden. Stay true to yourself and your convictions.  
    ~ Therese
  •  Pat, training with you has truly been a fantastic experience. Your widespread knowledge of fitness technique and personalized coaching has really helped maintain my overall health ever since we started working together years ago.
    I can’t thank you enough for equipping me with the all the tools for my success, especially since you took into consideration my constant traveling for work, and inability to exercise in the same gym all the time. The program you tailored for me helps me work out and stay in shape even on the go as much I am. You’ve been an ever encouraging exceptional personal trainer, and I’m also very glad to call you friend. Keep up the great work man, and keep eating cookies! 
    ~ Cal M.
  •  He does great work and his commitment to each of us is evident. While I can't speak for the whole group, I will say that I certainly appreciate all he has done for me. Not only have we successfully worked toward my goal but he has certainly showed me a new lifestyle. A lifestyle that I unexpectedly really enjoy and to be quite honest is a little addicting. I thank you for all your support and guidance, you certainly deserve the recognition. 
    ~ Scott A.
  •  I have known Pat for years. I am a person who struggles with weight, eating, diet, exercise, and consistency. So, I am basically like most people I know, an off and on train-wreck!
    I can do pieces of a healthy lifestyle or even the entire thing well at times, and at times I can completely fall off the radar.
    Pat has always been there for me, in whatever capacity I choose to participate in. He has the knowledge to design me workouts, help me get stronger, help me drop weight, or reduce fat. He has the tools to go way beyond that and help me with my diet, nutrients, food choices, portion sizes, habits, and attitude toward food.
    He has always been encouraging, professional, and motivating. I would not seek advice, education, or motivation from anyone else.
    I have worked with other coaches and trainers in my life. He is far and away better, having more knowledge, more tools, and has always been more caring and committed to my health than anyone else I have worked with. Sometimes he has been more committed to my health than me!
    I recommend him without question or hesitation to anyone who is in need or even considering getting help with diet, exercise, or positive living. He is the best.  
    ~ Jim F.
  •  Patrick is an outstanding trainer and human being. He is deeply knowledgeable, and his enthusiasm is contagious. Working with him, I received expert diet advice and exercise routines that suited my tastes and schedule. Following his advice to the letter, I was in the best shape of my life—even better, it felt like a lifestyle instead of a chore. But none of us is perfect, and when life or work interferes, my discipline wanes, and I don’t look or feel my best, I can always rely on his practical and effective advice to get healthy again. 
    ~ Marko H.
  •  I have been working with Patrick Ryan for 2 years and I cannot honestly provide anything other than my highest recommendation. From the start, Patrick has worked with me individually, crafting his approach to our training to meet my goals rather than offering boilerplate programming. Patrick approaches personal training and nutrition with dedication and thoughtfulness; it is not simply his job, it is his passion and that important difference shines through in all that he does. As a physician, I can attest that Patrick has solid understanding of exercise anatomy and physiology, an important knowledge base that grounds his practices. It has been a joy to work with Patrick and I value him not only as a trainer, but more importantly, a true friend and colleague in reaching my fitness goals. I truly look forward to each and every training session.  
    ~ Evan B.
  •  Thank you for all that you've done for me. Mentally, things are much better after having worked with you. Pat is such a caring and helpful person, which is why he makes such a profound difference in people's lives. Thank you once again, you mean a great deal to me. 
    ~ Chris S.
  •  I generally dislike gyms and personal trainers. I like to be active and healthy but the fitness scene leaves me feeling left out and awkward. I've tried many differen exercize routines and multiple personal trainers. Patrick is different. Patrick is a breath of fresh air. He actually takes the time to LISTEN to his clients. He understands their needs and truly cares about every one of them.
    I have some serious injuries and chronic pain. I've tried lots of exercise routines on my own and with other trainers. I've always stopped or found myself detailed and demotivated from a tweak of existing injury or a flare up of pain. With Patrick, things are different. He has worked within my limitations and encourages! me every step along the way. Some days I come to the gym nearly in tears and barely able to warm up. Normally that would be a recepie for disaster and emotional distress. Instead, under Patrick's expert guidance and encouragement I leave feeling stronger, confident and on track with my goals. Thanks for all you do!  
    ~ Heather F.
  •  I love working with Patrick on my personal fitness goals. I want to live healthier and change my mind and body for better results.
    I had never worked with a personal trainer before, so I was scared. Patrick was loving and respectful. He came up with an exercise and meal plan just for me.
    With Patrick's exercise plan I learned I can use heavier weights than this little girl thought was possible! I always thought heavier weight equaled bigger muscles. I wanted to tone up and stay thin. Patrick gave me the courage to try new exercises and more weight. I am loving it.
    With Patrick's meal plan he had his work cut out for him. I used to have an eating disorder. Eating a lot of food worried me that I would get fat, so I would skip meals. I was scared to eat protein bars and those kinds of things. I worried about "being fat". Patrick showed me what healthy meals look like, how healthy foods work to make energy for the body, and taught me how to plan meals at home and how to eat at restaurants.
    With the skills Patrick keeps teaching me I am changing my mind and body for the best me possible! I enjoy eating and exercise thanks to Patrick. I am learning to love my body. 
    ~ Ecko V.
  •  Pat is a wonderful coach who truly cares about his client and their long term well-being. He is extremely knowledgeable and takes into account the client’s goals as a whole and doesn’t just focus solely on fitness. He believes in small, sustainable changes that will make life long improvements in health and creating a love for fitness. He is patient and non-judgmental; he really helped make the gym less intimidating for a beginner like me. I’m very grateful for his passion for his clients’ health and happiness. Thank you, Pat! 
    ~ Sabra M.
  •  I am currently one of Pat's clients and have been for about a year now. Pat hasn't only put me on the right track as far as physical and nutrition goals, he's also become one of my best friends. Not only am I noticing changes in my overall health because of his valuable and encouraging input, but I actually look forward to getting up before the sun rises just knowing that I get to see Pat! Experiencing the sensation of a great workout is enough to put me on a great mental path for the day, but I also know that I know we will have a blast just talking about our lives and current events or whatever it may be. We make each other laugh and he uplifts me with his humor and positive outlook on life. I really couldn't imagine life before I met Pat, I was truly a different person.  
    ~ Bryan S.
  •  Pat goes above and beyond for all of his clientele by providing supplemental material multiple times throughout the week. This comes in the form of "Fit Tip of the Day" emails, weekly emails on a variety of health and nutrition related topics, live video broadcasts, and other positive messages on social media platforms. The effort Pat makes is encouraging and the information is sustainable.  
    ~ Ashley B.
  •  I have recently become pregnant and there is not another trainer out there that I'd be willing to guide me through such a delicate time in my training. Mr. Ryan is such an honest person and I know he will always listen and use my feedback if something doesn't feel right. He works for his clients, not just himself. 
    ~ Ashley B.
  •  I have known Pat for about 4 years now and have had the absolute pleasure of training with him for 3 of those years. Working with Pat not only transformed my body, but also changed my entire life and my approach to fitness in general. Although my training with Pat began as a simple quest to lose weight, he took the time to shape an inclusive program that did so much more! His knowledge and holistic approach changed my relationship to food, physical activity, and my greater mental wellbeing. While Pat holds you to high standards and pushes you to succeed, he also has a realistic attitude and understands the demands and constraints of busy modern life. I truly cannot say how much Pat has changed my life! Besides being an amazing trainer and coach, I CAN say I now count Pat as one of my most beloved and trusted friends.  
    ~ Andra K.
  •  Pat is a kind, thoughtful and intelligent person. He is committed to helping people and it shows in his actions. He is an example to everyone trying to change their lifestyle towards being more healthy, balanced and active. He has a wealth of resources that he is willing to share and he is committed to his craft.  
    ~ Nara O.
  •  Like many of you who are reading this I love to run and train at the gym. The missing piece for me has always been an approach to nutrition which is effective and sustainable. I have been using ProCoach for about 10 weeks and it is amazing. There is no "diet" - which in my mind means cutting out a bunch of stuff. It is about slowing down, being mindful and adding health foods to your plate. I have already seen major results and I am only 1/4 done! I am confident that this is a long term change in my approach to nutrition which is going to last.  
    ~ Steve M.
  •  Pat is the real deal. He is incredibly knowledgeable and has a wonderful personality. He will push you beyond your mental and physical limits. There's no question that Pat doesn't know exactly how to train to get the most out of their body, mind and soul.

    Pat can teach you exactly how to get your nutrition under control, and you have yourself an all-in-one solution that is worth his weight in gold. 
    ~ Cecille S.
  •  I have been a client of Patrick Ryan's for nearly three years now (since July 2014), and I couldn’t be more satisfied with him as a personal trainer. I’m an older guy (Medicare’s got me already), and as such have needs that differ greatly from those of younger clients. Patrick recognizes those needs and guides me through workouts that are age-appropriate yet challenging. Over these three years I have lost weight (which my doctor told me was necessary if I wanted to remain healthy) and have steadily reduced body fat/increased lean body weight. I feel healthier and stronger than I have at any other point in my life, especially compared to those years when I essentially worked out on my own but never realized the benefits of a professionally-designed training program. 
    ~ Richard M.
  •  He is absolutely the best personal trainer on the planet (I've had many over the decades in different states, leading up to retiring here). During every second of the sessions he is so conscientious of my benefit and progress with each exercise routine - he explains things as we go, which assists in a better understanding of the objectives of the session. He is also very sensitive to how things feel for me from moment to moment. He is always very accommodative. He advised yesterday that his clientele has grown to what is currently an all time high level, and rightfully so. It stands to reason. While his knowledge and expertise are impressive, the MOST impressive attribute is how he cares for his clients. He not only manifests this with me, but I have seen him in action countless times with clients in the gym, when exercising close by.
    I knew Pat before he graduated from UNM when he worked behind the greeting counter, and saw him through graduation and his subsequent certifications.
    Don't let Pat ever get away, and I mean that sincerely. Any training center would be lucky to have him.  
    ~ Ross S.
  •  Patrick Ryan keeps me motivated with his expertise on nutrition and exercise through the use of ProCoach. He has shown me how to make a lifestyle change with eating and exercise that I'll practice for life, not just a quick fix. He is the type of coach you want cheering for you in your corner! 
    ~ Kathy R.
  •  Both my husband and I have been training with Patrick Ryan. My husband for two years, and myself for one. There is such a comfort level that Pat brings to his training, which is essential when dealing with sensitive issues pertaining to the body. Gyms and nutrition can be intimidating, but Pat listens to his clients' input and concerns to create sustainable and achievable goals through easy to follow meal plans and innovative workouts.  
    ~ Ashley B.
  •  Patrick is a breath of fresh air in the fitness industry. With his laid back style and genuine approach I have never felt like a number to him. What I love most about training with Patrick is his knowledge about fitness and nutrition and how it will help me to achieve my personal goals. I appreciate his passion and positive attitude and would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to change their bodies and minds for the better.  
    ~ Brooke M.
  •  I've known Pat most of my life from youth sports as well as school, but my actual journey with Pat had begun when I quit MMA and tried to take on bodybuilding. I was walking around at about 155-160lbs and told him that I wanted to be around 200lbs. I had come off a recent back injury and told him I'd like to do a men's physique show, but wasn't ready to work with a trainer, so Pat would give me tips and help me out here and there.

    He would always compliment me on the progress I was making and after a year I told him I don't care where I'm at I just want to do a show and I'm ready to work with you. What I liked was he was honest and didn't try to steal my money. He said there's no way we could be ready in two months . So he recommended that I didn't do it. I said I don't care if I win or lose let's do this together. So he busted his butt to help me bust my butt and get to where I needed to be. He is a really knowledgeable, professional, and caring trainer. He still checks in on me from time to time. I would recommend him to anyone of my family members and friends. By far the best personal trainer I know. 
    ~ Richard L.
  •  Pat was recommended to me by a good friend over two years ago. I have had the amazing opportunity to train with Pat since that time. Pat is completely focused on your overall well-being including nutrition and, of course, some customized killer workouts. Every 6 weeks he creates new training plans for me which build on the work we have already done. I find that our weekly training session is an opportunity to re-center and re-focus as we talk about progress and challenges while mixing up some great strength and cardio. If you are looking for a holistic approach to fitness that will lead to long term benefits...Pat is just incredible. 
    ~ Steve M.
  •  I have also been participating in the ProCoach program with Patrick as my coach. I recommend this program highly — it has changed my diet (and that of my family, who eat the meals I prepare based on the PN guidelines) to one that’s much healthier yet totally enjoyable. The strength of this program is that it doesn’t try to suddenly beat you into a stringent health routine — but rather, works with you one habit at a time, one week at a time, to help you build a nutrition routine that is uniquely yours and that you enjoy. This program complements my exercise routine perfectly, and has clearly contributed to my sense of health and well-being. 
    ~ Richard M.
  •  I am writing you to let you know how very impressed I have been with my membership at Sports and Wellness, and in particular, Patrick Ryan. I joined in November, after having been out of the workout loop for almost 3 years. I was very self conscious of how out of shape I was and getting back into the swing of things. I decided to get a personal trainer to help me along, and was beyond fortunate to be paired up with Patrick Ryan! He has gone above and beyond. First off, I was so happy that he actually listened to what my fitness goals were and designed workouts that fit my wants and desires. He didn't give me the same old work outs I could have done on my own, and for that, he was worth every penny! Secondly, he has a very positive and professional manner. He is very encouraging and uplifting, just the kind of person you would want pushing you through a tough workout! Something he does very well! I really appreciated him sending me a text the day before confirming our appointments and always being prompt and on time.
    Patrick obviously has a great knowledge of health and fitness, but the extra things he does is really what makes him a great trainer ie, sending me emails regarding caloric intake, diet suggestions, nutrition and importance of sleep.
    I really can not say one negative thing about Patrick, and I'm sure you already know what a great asset you have in him! Thank you so much, I am very grateful for the experience I have had with you and am excited to be a member!  
    ~ Connie B.